

クロードエヴ ドュヴュック



This presentation is a resume of the research I made for my master's degree in the University of Montreal. It is an analysis of the linguistic changes noted in the language used by political women in Japan and of the part played by the variable of≪ power ≫ in these. My analysis uses a sample made of transcripts of meetings ofthe National Diet, in which Moriyama Mayumi and Doi Takako take part in the early 80’s, the same Doi Takako in 1989-90, and Tanaka Makiko, Noda Seiko, Obuchi Yuko and last Tsujimoto Kiyomi today, as well as the male politicians Shii Kazuo and Abe Shinzo.

This research has put in light the changes that have occurred in the language of political women between the early 80’s and today, considering that the nomination of Doi Takako at the head of her party in 1986 was a factor of change in the status of women in the political world. It also puts in light the gap between the languages used by men and women in politics today. Finally, I tried, through this research, to gain a better understanding of the influence of ≪ power ≫ in the relationship between language and gender.

Woman's Thong And Power ―The Evolution Of Japanese Political Women And Their Speach








結論として、「伝統主義的DV言説」は、DVをトライブ・ネーションの問題とし、DVという一事象を通して、伝統回復、脱植民地化、主権確立を目指すものであること を明らかにした。


ブライ グアルネー(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科文化人類学研究生)
